The Poddys Directory was created in 1998 with the idea of creating an online directory that would cover a wide range of topics, at a time when web sites were still in their early days and many sites were still being hand coded in HTML.
While the directory now looks rather dated, it does still contain a lot of useful links and has a large section that is devoted to jokes and funny pictures.
We invite you to browse around and hope that you find something interesting on our site, which is just one of a number of sites that we operate and places where we write.
We are aware that there are a number of broken links on many of the pages, the result of creating a hard coded website which required a phenominal amount of maintenance as time moved on.
If you are looking for Jokes and Funny Pictures, we do have a great collection here, but we also have a new site The Laughline that has far more of these and we are sure you will find some good laughs there.